
Till now, we have covered the basics of automating MS Outlook as well as overview of Outlook Object Model. In this article, you’ll see how you can access the Outlook folders and work with them. You would see how to find specific folder by name, how to create a new folder in outlook, how to

In the previous article (Part 1: Automating Outlook using QTP | General Introduction), we read about the General Introduction about Automating Outlook using QTP. Before proceeding any further with automating different functionalities in MS Outlook, it would be a good idea to have basic understanding of some of the important objects in Outlook Object Model.

From today, we are starting off a series of articles on how to automate Microsoft Outlook using QTP. In these articles, we’ll try to cover the important and frequently used functionalities of MS Outlook. In this first article, we will start with the basics of Outlook automation and later would move on to more specific/advanced

In this article, we’ll have a look at the syntax of RegisterUserFunc statement. We’ll also try to understand the syntax with the help of an example. Syntax RegisterUserFunc TOClass, MethodName, FunctionName, SetAsDefault

Method Overriding is one of the core features of Object Oriented Programming where you can replace the original/default implementation of a function with your own implementation. In other ways, your new function would override the code or logic of the original function. As an example, consider the addition operation which would give you the sum

When you open QTP, you would usually come across the Add-in Manager where you can select the add-ins you want to use in your test script. Ever wondered from where QTP loads the Add-in names and their associated descriptions? In case you didn’t know, QTP loads the Add-in names and their descriptions from Windows Registry.

Consider a situation where you want to “turn off” or disable QTP Results (some part of the result or the entire result itself) that is generated at the end of the test run. There may be many reasons why you may want to do this, few of which have been listed

SystemUtil.Run is an inbuilt QTP command that lets you run a file or an application. Mostly SystemUtil.Run command is used to open browser with a specific URL. But there is much more that can be done with it. Here in this article, you’ll see various examples on how to use SystemUtil.Run for different purposes.